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CS Track is broadening our knowledge about Citizen Science by investigating Citizen Science activities, disseminating good practices and formulating knowledge-based policy recommendations to maximise the potential benefit of Citizen Science activities on individual citizens, organisations, and society at large.

Is it really necessary to identify gifted children?

There have been some shockingly bad graphs circulating during the pandemic.

After a long beta, today we are really excited to release Connected Papers* to the public. To use it, simply enter a paper of interest and we will generate a graph that shows that section of paper-space and its interconnections.

Financial access is extremely important for poor and working class students wanting to get a foot in the door at universities. But on its own this isn`t a guarantee of success.

STEM & Makers Fest/Expo 23-24 March 2019, Adıyaman University Provincial Education Director Ahmet Alagoz, Adiyaman University Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Talha Gonullu, Hacettepe University representatives, students, teachers, and parents, merhabalar. I am honored to be here in Adiyaman for the first time for the STEM Makers Fest and Expo. On behalf of the U.S. Embassy, I`d like to thank all of the partners who made this expo possible – Adiyaman University, Hacettepe University, Turkish STEM Alliance, Texas Instruments, STEM News Aggregator (bilimiletisimi.com), and especially Prof. Dr. Gultekin Cakmakci for his steadfast efforts to coordinate this impressive event. Atatürk once said, “Hayatta en hakiki mürşit ilimdir.” The truest guide in life is science. He also said “Bütün ümidim gençliktedir.” All of my hope is in the youth. Here we are today in a room bursting with the enthusiasm of a new generation fully engaged in scientific discovery and innovation. In your lifetime, your generation will face unprecedented challenges. Can humans travel to – or even live on – Mars? What can we do to reduce the effects of climate change or adapt ourselves to new environment? How will new computer technologies like social media and artificial intelligence affect human experience? As Ataturk said, we place our hope in you to address these challenges and many more. Studying STEM will help you to do that. STEM is powerful because it is universal. Mathematics, Javascript, the laws of physics – these languages and principles transcend borders, religions, genders, and other qualities that we use to define ourselves. If you know these skills, you can collaborate with anyone to solve an issue. In fact, having diverse people involved increases the chances you will find a new solution. By fusing your unique perspectives on a particular problem, you are likely to see solutions that no one individual could have discovered on his or her own. At the Department of State, we frequently send people from all over the world to the United States so they can tackle tough issues with other international researchers. Take for example Turkish scientist Canan Dagdeviren. Together with her colleagues at MIT and Harvard, she developed technology to recharge medical implants so patients can avoid repeat surgery. This life-changing technology is the result of teamwork between Turkish, American, and other scholars working together—despite language and cultural differences—through their shared abilities in science. Unfortunately, many students` only exposure to STEM fields is in the classroom—poring over textbooks, memorizing formulas, or at best, staring into beakers in dreary laboratories. These experiences aren`t likely to spark the passion and drive necessary to dedicate one`s life to solving the world`s greatest challenges through STEM. This STEM Makers Fest/Expo is different. In today`s workshops, kids get going right away with coding, building, experimenting, and more. We hope these experiences will spark a life-long love of STEM and a strong sense of empowerment. From the factories that produced the Ford Model T automobile to NASA`s lunar landing; from Thomas Edison`s invention of the lightbulb to the ever-emerging innovations of Silicon Valley, the United States has been at the cutting edge of technological discovery. We at the U.S. Embassy are pleased to partner with Hacettepe University and their partners to foster this same spirit of innovation and discovery here in Adiyaman. We thank you for your dedication to STEM and to the students of Adiyaman. Enjoy the festival!

Jen Curatola-Wozniak, U.S. Consulate STEM & Makers Fest and Expo, December 15, 2018, 12:00 p.m, Inonu University Representatives of the Ministry of National Education, İnönü University, and Malatya municipalities, students, teachers, and parents, merhabalar. I am honored to be here in Malatya for the first time for the STEM & Makers Fest and Expo. The room is buzzing with excitement as you anticipate all the exciting skills you will learn – or is that just the whirring of the robots? On behalf of the U.S. Embassy, I`d like to thank all of the partners who made this expo possible – Hacettepe University, Inonu University, Turkish STEM Alliance, STEM News Aggregator, and especially Prof. Gultekin Cakmakci for his steadfast efforts to coordinate this impressive event. Ataturk once said, “Hayatta en hakiki mürşit ilimdir.” How right he was. His words were never truer than they are today. Our world is becoming more and more technological. Our problems are increasingly complex. Even just the next thirty years hold boundless challenges, and your generation will be leading the way to address them. Can humans travel to Mars, and if so, can they tame its harsh environment for tourism or even habitation? What is the consequence of social media on our privacy, friendships, and access to accurate information? How will artificial intelligence impact our lives and our understanding of what it means to be human? We need people with the ingenuity and technical know-how to answer these questions and many more for the next century and beyond. STEM is powerful because it is universal. Mathematics, Javascript, the laws of physics – these languages and principles transcend borders, religions, genders, and other qualities that we use to define ourselves. If you know these skills, you can collaborate with anyone to solve an issue. In fact, having diverse people involved increases the chances you will find a new solution. By fusing your unique perspectives on a particular problem, you are likely to see solutions that no one individual could have discovered on his or her own. Just recently, a Turkish scientist Prof. Dr. Metin Sitti made the news for his invention of nano-robots that can deliver medicines more capably to the site of disease. He completed his PhD in Japan, did research at University of California-Berkley, and taught for 16 years at Carnegie Mellon University. Today he is the Director of the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Germany, and I`m sure his collaboration with Japanese, American, German and other international researchers was a key factor in his success. Unfortunately, the demand for STEM experts still far outpaces the supply. Many students` only exposure to STEM fields are in the classroom—poring over textbooks, memorizing equations, or at best, staring into beakers in dreary laboratories. These experiences aren`t likely to spark the passion and drive necessary to dedicate one`s life to solving the world`s greatest challenges through STEM. That`s why this STEM & Makers Fest and Expo is important. By engaging with STEM in an interactive, hands-on way, kids will feel inspired and empowered at what they can achieve. Hacettepe University and their partners show great vision in bringing hands-on experiences with STEM to students in Malatya and their families. We at the U.S. Embassy are pleased to support them. Teşekkürler. https://www.stemandmakers.org

Talia Milgrom-Elcott looks at the tension between the eagerness for STEM learning that young children possess, and the capacity of their busy PK-5 teachers to satisfy their curiosity through hands-on learning and success stories from the field of PK-5 STEM education.

Getting children started on scientific and mathematical problem-solving from an early age puts them on the right track.

The inaugural group of 49 students is 57 percent women and includes citizens of 20 countries pursuing degrees in 28 Stanford graduate departments.

Pupils starting secondary school face "avalanche of pressure", England's children's commissioner says.

With thousands to choose from, here are ten top podcasts that discuss advice on startups, entrepreneurs, financial planning for a new generation, marketing trends and more.

Teenagers worldwide could be ranked on their creative thinking, under proposals for the 2021 Pisa tests.

Finland is removing barriers between subjects, as well as classrooms.

Figures suggest young people choose subjects according to present balance of a country`s economy

There is almost no gap in scores between boys and girls, but girls report much higher levels of anxiety about exams and schoolwork.

Considering the importance of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education to the development of the nation, Star Deep Petroleum Limited, a Chevron company and the Agbami parties in conjunction with the Lagos Business School (LBS) recently held a symposium in Lagos to deliberate on issues bordering on STEM education, the challenges and how to ensure that it is elevated to a national priority

It is common to hear today, in the era of big data and STEM — science, technology, engineering and mathematics — that liberal arts degrees are, well, relatively worthless.

India faces a set of unique challenges, both for its enterprises and their CEOs.

Öğle yemeği zili çaldıktan sonra boş sınıfımda masama çöktüm. Bakışlarımı boş sıralarda gezdirdim, sonra, az önce öğrencilerimden topladığım ve masanın üzerinde duran, okunmayı bekleyen 30 makaleye baktım. Gözlerimi kapadım, öne eğildim, kollarımı masaya koydum, başımı kollarımın üstüne bıraktım. Bitmiştim, çok yorulmuştum, gözyaşlarım yanaklarımdan aşağı süzülmeye başladı. Üç gün içinde 90 sınav kâğıdı okumam gerekiyordu. Her birinde otuz öğrenci bulunan beş matematik sınıfına giriyordum, her dönem iki sınavdan, her yıl 2.400 kâğıdı okuyup değerlendirmem gerekiyordu. Beynim uyuştu. Öğretmenliğe başladığım ilk yıllarda, boş sınıflar beni motive ederdi, boş sıralara bakınca öğrencilerimde öğrenme tutkusunu nasıl canlandıracağımı, onları derse nasıl katıp nasıl eğiteceğimi hayal ederdim. Öğretmenlikte yapılabileceklerin sınırı yoktu. Şimdi, aradan beş yıl geçtikten sonra, kendimi bomboş ve kurumuş hissediyorum. Sınırlarımın sonuna geldim. O kadar yorgunum ki kemiklerimi tek tek

Across OECD countries, 5% of students expect to work as teachers: 3% of boys and 6% of girls. The academic profile of students who expect to work as t

Nobel Prize Lessons are six different lesson plans, one for each prize. They are a reliable material, that teachers easily can use, directly after the announcements of the Nobel Prizes.

In March I wrote about a decision by three justices on a Florida appeals court that said that a standardized reading test is the best way to decide whether third-graders should move to fourth grade — not actual school work or grades.

He issued an order telling the Education Department to direct $200 million a year to STEM, especially computer science.

Trump has asked the Secretary of Education to prioritize STEM and computer science education expansion.

Global study reveals that gender stereotypes become ingrained in "tween" years, leading to life-long health consequences - particularly for girls

Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı TEOG'un kaldırıldığını açıkladı. Bundan sonra ne olacağı, yerine hangi sistemin geleceği halen belirsizliğini koruyor. Ortada, çerçevesi net bir eğitim reformunun olmamasının yaşattığı bu belirsizlikse hayli ürkütücü. Bu belirsizlik ortamında medyada önemli tartışmalara şahit oluyoruz. Bu tartışmalara katkı sağlamak amacıyla, PISA 2015 sonuçlarına göre dünyanın en başarılı öğrencilerini yetiştiren ilk 10 eğitim sistemindeki lise öğrenimine geçişi ülke ülke sizler için derledik. 1.Singapur Singapurlu öğrenciler, ilkokul 6. sınıfın sonunda yani 13 yaşındayken İlköğretim Okul Bitirme Sınavına (PSLE) giriyor. Bu sınav, öğrencilerin altı yıllık ilköğretimde neler öğrendiğini ve ortaöğretime geçmek ve ondan fayda sağlamak için yeterli bir temel kazanıp kazanmadıklarını değerlendiriyor. Ayrıca öğrencilerin, ebeveynlerin ve öğretmenlerin, her çocuğun güçlü yanlarının neler olduğunu belirlemelerini, ortaöğrenimini çocuğun öğrenme ihtiyaçlarına uygun hale getirmeyi ve

As kids, our parents drill it into our brains. As adults, we see it posted near bathroom mirrors everywhere. We`re constantly reminded of the importance of washing our hands, yet sometimes we still ask ourselves if it`s really such a big deal. One high school teacher in North Carolina has come up with a brilliant, albeit slightly nauseating experiment that shows the potency of germs in full view, and it just might save a few sinuses this flu season.

It`s back-to-school season in the U.S. and many other parts of the world, as teachers, students and administrators are ushering in a new year of learning. Though schools around the globe have different start dates, calendars and traditions, the first day of a new term is an exciting time filled with the prospects of gaining more knowledge, making new friends and building community.

Kyle Hubler is in his fourth year of teaching seventh and eighth graders at Evergreen Middle School in Hillsboro. When he found out he`d be moving to a new classroom for the 2017-2018 school year, he decided to decorate it around one of his and his students` favorite themes: Harry Potter.

“Babasının oğlu” deyiminin birebir geçerli olduğu bir baba oğulla tanışın. Avustralyalı ünlü belgesel programcısı Steve Irwin`in oğlu Robert Irwin, babasının ölümünden sonra onun izinden giderek tıpkı babasının yaptığı gibi dünyanın doğayla ve vahşi hayvanlarla ilişki kurmasına yardım etmeye devam ediyor.

What`s the single most important thing driving the world`s economies? It isn`t multinational corporations, infrastructure or technology, it`s the education and the skills we all have as individuals. It may be known by the anonymous-sounding term ‘human capital`, but it is about teaching, learning and training; it`s about investing in people. And how we do it is a key factor in ensuring economic growth in the future.

Education at a Glance: OECD Indicators is the authoritative source for information on the state of education around the world. With more than 125 charts and 145 tables included in the publication and much more data available on the educational database, Education at a Glance 2017

Scientix is organising the third edition of the Scientix Ambassadors Training Course for STEM teachers who are interested in becoming part of the Scientix Teachers` Panel running until January 2019

Increasing the educational attainment of young adults has been the focus of much effort over recent decades. But we all know that having children spend more time in school does not guarantee that every student will learn.

The social media titan has written about the magic of childhood in a letter to his newborn daughter.

A small study found that children were better able to pick up vocabulary from books that show only one picture at a time.

When Turkish children head back to school, something will be missing from their textbooks: any mention of evolution. The government is phasing in what it calls a values-based curriculum.

The "marshmallow test" is a famous experiment for studying kids' self-control. For the first time, a psychologist gave the test to kids outside Western culture. And they crushed it.

New technologies like AI, virtual reality and blockchain are having a huge impact on the way we consume content. But how do we prevent this revolution from going haywire?

When it comes to investing in a child's education, parents in Hong Kong spend the most; on average over $130,000 from primary school all the way through to university.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technology whose time has come.

Branding agency Universum has surveyed students worldwide to find out who they want to work for

Whether or not creativity can be taught is still a contested question, though it really shouldn`t be. The evidence is well and truly in on this question. The idea that creativity cannot be taught is based…

Writing is a fundamental outcome indicator of learning across subjects and grades. The latest NAPLAN results tell us we need to do more to empower children with these skills.

Nowadays, two of the most frequently discussed topics in the media are perhaps the growing gap between rich and poor, and the challenges presented by Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Committee chairman demands answers over glitches with crucial website for new childcare schemes.Concerns about technical problems with the website parents in England have to use to apply for help with childcare have been raised with the government.

Poorer teenagers spend roughly the same time online as their wealthier classmates. But they're using this time differently, and it's counting against them.

Also in this week's round-up: Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg calls for policy changes to raise women`s pay.

As the World Economic Forum launches a new whitepaper on gender, engineer Naadiya Moosajee explains why she's out to change perceptions.

Seventy teachers from the UK were sent to Shanghai to study classroom methods to investigate why Chinese students perform so well. Upon their return, the teachers reported that much of China`s success…

“Learning how to navigate the web with discernment is the most pressing cultural mission of our age.” So asserts Matthew D`Ancona, political columnist for the Guardian and the New York Times, in his timely and passionately argued new book, Post-Truth: The War on Truth and How to Fight Back.

Learning throughout life makes sense. Research shows it is good for your health, your wealth, your civic engagement and your family`s future prospects. It prolongs your independent life and enriches your quality of life.

Since the 1990s, the world has entered a new phase of globalisation. Information and communication technology, trade liberalisation and lower transport costs have enabled firms and countries to fragment the production process into global value chains (GVCs). Many products are now designed in one country and assembled in another country from parts manufactured in several countries.

Pupils at Stroud high school were outraged by strict new rules prohibiting the use of digital devices, but the results were alarming

Vacation is a break for all of us. It`s a break from the monotony of the normal work week. It`s a break from laundry and housework and swimming lessons and home. It`s a break from distraction, all in the name of family. But around here, it isn`t a break from learning. While I`ve never bought into the concept of meticulously planned summer homework and assigned projects, I`ve always made a conscious effort to maximize authentic learning opportunities as they arise.

The OECD's head of education says effective school funding is about much more than supplying enough cash.

The UK should learn from countries such as Sweden, where more inclusive practices are already in place.In the UK, the world`s fifth richest economy, vulnerable children are being denied education. Asylum seekers and refugee children are struggling to access education – and unable to attend school or college. This contravenes rights to equal educational access in accordance with international human rights law.

Cesaret sadece liderlere özgü bir şey değil. Bir okulun gelişmesini isteyen herkesin buna ihtiyacı var. Ayrıca girişimde bulunmaya hazır olmaya ve yürek isteyen konuşmalara katılmaya da ihtiyaç var.

Beyond a certain level of investment, OECD data find virtually no relationship between national spending per student and the quality and equity of learning outcomes. How school systems allocate and use their resources is what makes the difference. The OECD has launched an in-depth Review to help countries design effective funding policies and connect resources to educational priorities.

A chapter on evolution will no longer appear in ninth graders` textbooks because it is considered too “controversial” an idea, an education official said.

Evolution will no longer be taught in Turkish secondary schools after being described as a “controversial subject” by the government. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has personally approved the change, which will be part of a new national curriculum being published later this month. The head of the education ministry`s curriculum board, Alpaslan Durmuş, said a section on Darwinism would be cut from biology classes from 2019.

What do innovative learning environments around the world look like? How might they be led and evaluated? What policy strategies stimulate and support them? For the past decade the OECD`s Centre for Education Research and Innovation (CERI) has addressed these and similar questions in an international study called Innovative Learning Environments.

Early childhood education and care (ECEC) can help lay the foundations for future skills development, well-being and learning. Having timely, reliable and comparable international information is essential to help countries improve their ECEC services and systems. For over 15 years, the OECD has been conducting policy analysis and gathering new data on ECEC.

A nonprofit called Turnaround for Children helps schools meet the needs of children facing poverty and adversity.

A new report delivers familiar — but important — data about the nature of childhood around the world.

Ranked at the top for the sixth straight year, the Institute also places first in 12 of 46 disciplines.

The MDGs expire this year and the SDGs begin. But what are the SDGs all about?

With the UN summit on the sustainable development goals looming, find out more about the 17 initiatives that could transform the world by 2030

Professors at America's most prestigious colleges shared the single book they think every student should read in 2017.

It`s amazing the main difference in the effort you`ll get through Singapore math worksheets to worksheet. Granted the quantity of effort…

At an elementary school in Freehold, over 500 students share a vast, open space where bookshelves, whiteboards, storage cubbies and other pieces of furniture are the only boundaries between classrooms.

We need to teach our children these eight skills as part of their education in digital citizenship.

In 2006 there was a term that started to grow in the United States— STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). The basis of the STEM movement was the growing concern that our students were not prepared for the high-tech jobs of the future.

I am sure all Spokes readers know what STEM stands for: Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, a term deeply integrated in the research and practice of the formal and informal education fields. But for sometime already, a new acronym has emerged - STEAM ('A' means the Arts) - increasingly aspiring to take the place of STEM.

You might have to give up multitasking in the process.

Projects funded by NSF and other federal agencies share 3-minute videos showcasing their work. Join the conversation with the presenters and vote for your favorites, May 15th - 22nd, 2017.

Pro tips on which games your child should play, how long they should play for, how to limit screen time – and what to do if their friend plays violent games. Now my eldest son is six, and has discovered video games, there`s a new no to add to the list: no, we can`t sit around playing Crash Bandicoot in our pants all day. Even though this is basically how I spent the whole of the 90s, and it`s what I`d be doing now if I didn`t have two small children.

There are clear and very tangible benefits to being bilingual, although there is limited proof that growing up bilingual gives children a significant cognitive edge.

Focusing solely on STEM presents a one-dimensional “fix” which fails to consider the many other factors that influence economic growth and development. Instead, a holistic approach is needed.

What matters to the average resident of a country is not whether it has schools like Stanford or Oxford, but rather the quality of the universities their children are likely to attend.

Meticulous planning lets the band pull off astounding feats.

The exact origins of words are often difficult to place. But sometimes they are the inventions of ground-breaking pioneers – from Chaucer to JK Rowling.

If girls were allowed to accelerate through school, then perhaps their peak career- and family-building years would not overlap.

When companies go digital, they must focus less on the technologies and more on the people using them.

Currently, there is a large imbalance in the participation of women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), compared with the participation of men, in particular at the more advanced career levels.

Remember your first day at work? You were excited. There were new people to meet, new skills to be learned, new processes or products to understand.

The brand new science news aggregator bilimiletisimi.com collects and presents the highlights of discussion and exciting discoveries from all over the world. This news hub is completely free of charge, and collects information about science, technology, health, business and education.

From Turkey to Thailand, some countries punch above their weight when it comes to university access and research. And where education takes root, economic growth soon follows, says Chris Parr of Times Higher Education.

Get your body moving or try something new before your next brainstorming session. Your daring mindset will follow you back to the office and inspire something great.